Today's Bible 게시판

    Hidden Mysteries
    페트라 작성일 : 2015-06-26    조회수 : 1,655     

JUNE 26, 2015

Hidden Mysteries


Read: 2 Kings 6:15–23

Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them. —2 Kings 6:16


Most of what goes on in the universe we never see. Many things are too small or move too fast or even too slow for us to see. Using modern technology, however, filmmaker Louis Schwartzberg is able to show stunning video images of some of those things—a caterpillar’s mouth, the eye of a fruit fly, the growth of a mushroom.

Our limited ability to see the awesome and intricate detail of things in the physical world reminds us that our ability to see and understand what’s happening in the spiritual realm is equally limited. God is at work all around us doing things more wonderful than we can imagine. But our spiritual vision is limited and we cannot see them. The prophet Elisha, however, actually got to see the supernatural work that God was doing. God also opened the eyes of his fearful colleague so he too could see the heavenly army sent to fight on their behalf (2 Kings 6:17).

Fear makes us feel weak and helpless and causes us to think we are alone in the world. But God has assured us that His Spirit in us is greater than any worldly power (1 John 4:4).

Whenever we become discouraged by the evil we can see, we need to think instead about the good work God is doing that we cannot see.

Lord, I’m tempted to fear what I cannot understand or control. But my security rests in You and not in what happens to me or around me. Help me to rest in Your unfailing love.

Eyes of faith see God at work in everything.



scripture speaks of unseen angels protecting God’s people (Ps. 34:7; Dan. 3:25-28; Matt. 4:6; Acts 5:19; 12:7). They are God’s “servants—spirits sent to care for people who will inherit salvation” (Heb. 1:14 nlt).






Source: Our Daily Bread 2015