Today's Bible 게시판

    Abundant Supply
    페트라 작성일 : 2016-03-08    조회수 : 1,679     

March 8, 2016

Abundant Supply

You give them drink from your river of delights. - Psalm 36:8

Read: Psalm 36:5-12



We have a hummingbird feeder in the garden, and we love to see the little birds come and drink from its sugary water. Recently, however, we went on a short trip and forgot to replenish its contents. When we came back, it was completely dry. Poor birds! I thought. Because of my forgetfulness, they haven’t had any nourishment. Then I was reminded that I am not the one who feeds them: God is.


Sometimes we may feel that all of the demands of life have depleted our strength and there is no one to replenish it. But others don’t feed our souls: God does.


In Psalm 36 we read about God’s lovingkindness. It describes those who put their trust in Him and are abundantly satisfied. God gives them water from His “river of delights” (v. 8). He is the fountain of life!


We can go to God every day for the supply of our needs. As Charles Spurgeon wrote, “The springs of my faith and all my graces; the springs of my life and all my pleasures; the springs of my activity and all its right doings; the springs of my hope, and all its heavenly anticipations, all lie in thee, my Lord.”


Let us be filled with His abundant supply. His fountain will never run dry.


Lord, I come to You with the confidence that You will fill me with what I need.


God's love is abundant.




David—opposed and persecuted by powerful enemies—wrote of these threats to his life in Psalms 34–36, asking and thanking God for His protection and deliverance. In Psalm 36, David contrasts the wicked and the righteous. The wicked commit evil because they have no fear of God (v. 1). David, however, chose to live differently—he chose to live a life of trust in a merciful, faithful, righteous, and just God (vv. 5-7). David affirms that God will protect and sustain the faithful.








Source: Our Daily Bread 2016