APRIL 10, 2012
The Power Of Soft Answers
Read: Proverbs 15:1-4
A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. —Proverbs 15:1
My car broke down in a tunnel during rush hour in downtown
Boston. Angry drivers expressed their frustration as they
struggled past me. Eventually, the car was towed to a station
for repairs. Later it broke down again, stranding me along the
Interstate at 2 a.m. Back to the shop it went.
Unfortunately, the repair shop also doubled as a parking lot
during Red Sox baseball games. When I arrived after work the
next day to pick up my car, it was hemmed in by 30 other vehicles!
Let’s just say I was less than Christlike in my initial reaction. I
ranted and raved, and then, realizing it was only making them
less willing to help me at the close of their day, I decided to
give up. I stormed toward the glass doors and struggled to
get them open. My anger increased when the station workers
laughed at me.
I had barely made it out when I realized how unlike Christ
I’d been. Chastened, I rapped on the locked doors and
mouthed “I’m sorry” to the staff inside. They were stunned!
They let me back in, and I meekly told them that Christians
shouldn’t behave as I had. Minutes later, they were shifting
cars to free up mine. I learned the truth that soft rather than
harsh words can change circumstances (Prov. 15:1).
O may I find in anger’s grip
The strength to temper tongue and lip;
But failing that, may God grant me
The courage for apology. —Kilgore
A soft answer has often been
the means of breaking a hard heart.
Source: Our Daily Bread 2012