Today's Bible 게시판

    Building A Life That Matters
    페트라 작성일 : 2012-05-09    조회수 : 2,792     

MAY 9, 2012

Building A Life That Matters


Read: 1 Corinthians 3:9-17

I have laid the foundation . . . . But let each one take heed how he builds on it. —1 Corinthians 3:10


My grandkids love to play with Legos. These small colorful
building blocks capture their imagination for building forts,
planes, houses, or whatever the instructions may call for.

Emptying the contents of the box onto the floor, my grandchildren
begin to put the pieces together. But soon they think they don’t
need to consult the directions. This eventually leads to a point
when they realize that building according to their own instincts
has resulted in a bad outcome. So, they break it apart and start
over again—but this time they have a keen sense of how
important the directions are.

Do you need the pieces of your life broken apart and put back
together according to God’s directions? If you have Jesus Christ
as your foundation, begin to follow His blueprint for living. Paul
wrote, “Let each one take heed how he builds” on the foundation
(1 Cor. 3:10-11). What is the blueprint? Value others above
yourself by humbly serving them (Phil. 2:3-4), give generously
of your resources to those in need (James 2:14-17), respond
with love to those who have wronged you (Rom. 12:14-21). These
are just a few of the pieces that God wants you to put together to
build a life that is worthy of being His temple (1 Cor. 3:16).

Because of the grace and forgiveness that You have
shown me, Lord, I want to live a life that’s worthy of
knowing You. Help me to follow Your plans that
You’ve laid out in the scriptures. Amen.

The Bible is the Christian’s blueprint for life.






Source: Our Daily Bread 2012