Today's Bible 게시판

    Proverbs 6:1-3 Day 36
    페트라 작성일 : 2010-06-21    조회수 : 4,319     

Proverbs Day 36

Proverbs 6:1-3(Amplified):

"My son, if you have become security for your neighbor, if you have given your pledge for a stranger or another, 2 You are snared with the words of your lips, you are caught in the speech of your mouth. 3 Do this now (at once and earnestly), my son, and deliver yourself, when you have put yourself in to the power of your neighbor; go, bestir and humble yourself, and beg your neighbor (to pay his debt and release you).

Thought for the day:

Verse 3 gives us some good advice. First, we should pray and humble ourselves before the Lord and confess the mistake we have made. Then we need to ask the Lord to make a way for us to get out of the situation in a way that it will not destroy our relationship with the one we have become security for. Then we should humble ourselves before the one we have co-signed the note for and ask them to seek a way so that we can be released from the financial bondage. We are responsible as long as the note is in force so this puts us under their power.  None of us knows what the future holds; therefore, it is very unwise to be responsible for something that could fall back on us to pay.  Of course, if you are very wealthy and it would not hurt you to repay the loan, you may want to help the person.  You may even want to pay their debt for them and give them a fresh start. The bottom line is to always ask the Lord for His guidance and wisdom in these matters.