Today's Bible 게시판

    Something To Declare
    페트라 작성일 : 2012-03-23    조회수 : 3,529     

MARCH 23,2012

Something To Declare


Read: Matthew 5:13-16

Let your light so shine before men. —Matthew 5:16


It was just a routine baggage inspection, but there was nothing
ordinary about the contents of the suitcase. The Swiss customs
agent who examined it discovered 14 original drawings by Pablo
Picasso. The artwork, which was contained in a sketchbook, was estimated to be worth as much as $1.5 million, yet the passenger indicated “nothing to declare” to customs authorities.

It’s hard to imagine anyone packing Picasso’s sketchbook between sweaters, trotting off to the airport, and hoping it would remain a
secret. The man was obviously smuggling it.

We as Christians have something far more valuable than a Picasso
to declare! Yet we sometimes keep the treasure of our faith in Christ locked in our hearts instead of sharing it with those around us. Jesus reminded us, “You are the light of the world” (Matt. 5:14). Part of our purpose is to reflect God’s glory so that others will understand their need for Him. He also calls us to let our light shine, so that they see
our good works and glorify our Father in heaven (v.16).

We risk becoming spiritual smugglers when we hide our faith in
Christ. Instead, let’s open the “suitcase,” share the treasure,
and give glory to the Master.

Lord, help me make my witness clear,
And labor faithfully,
So friends and neighbors turn to Christ
Through what they hear from me. —Anon.

A word well chosen can open a heart to God.



Source: Our Daily Bread 2012