사진갤러리 게시판

    Petra Academy's Halloween Party (2019)
    페트라 작성일 : 2020-12-11    조회수 : 793     

“Halloween is an ancient druidic holiday, one the Celtic peoples have celebrated for millennia. It is the crack between the last golden rays of summer and the dark of winter; the delicately balanced tweak of the year before it is given over entirely to the dark; a time for the souls of the departed to squint, to peek and perhaps to travel through the gap.” Jenny Colgan, Welcome To Rosie Hopkins’ Sweetshop Of Dreams

Who are these Teachers with their Halloween costumes? Can you identify them?

It's Teacher FG and Teacher Mike. You guessed it right.

- 첨부파일 : fg 1.jpg (243.7K) [0] DATE : 2020-12-11 21:14:59
- 첨부파일 : fg 2.png (574.7K) [0] DATE : 2020-12-11 21:14:59
- 첨부파일 : mike 1.png (920.4K) [0] DATE : 2020-12-11 21:14:59
- 첨부파일 : mike 2.jpg (127.3K) [0] DATE : 2020-12-11 21:14:59
- 첨부파일 : mike 4.png (680.7K) [0] DATE : 2020-12-11 21:14:59