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    My New Year's reslution
    페트라 작성일 : 2014-02-17    조회수 : 1,278     

I have so many reslution. First, I will read all of the book in my house. I think I didn't read 100 storys.Second, I will go in to the violin orchestra. I want to gp in to the orchestra and play it in the word! Next, I will see a one movie in a one week. I love movies, and I think I should watch a movies so I don't have to die because of movies.
So, read all of the book in my house, go in to the wiolin orchestra and see a one movie in a one week is my new year's reslution.



I have so many resolutions. First, I will read all of the books in my house. I think I haven’t read 100 stories. Second, I will get in the violin orchestra. I want to get in the orchestra and play to the word! Next, I will see a one movie per week. I love movies and I think I should watch movies so I don't have to die because of movies.
So, to read all of the books in my house, get in the violin orchestra and see one movie per week is my new year's resolution.