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    Christmas Day
    페트라 작성일 : 2014-01-08    조회수 : 1,732     
Christmas day is very famous.
I like Christmas day.
Santa brings a present and gives some present for kids.
Santa takes a present in a big colorful sock.
Santa is not real but 1 country has a real santa.
This Christmas, I got a Drowing Best Friend from mom.
Christmas Day is my favorite day number 2.

Christmas day is very famous.
I like Christmas day.
Santa brings and gives some presents for kids.
Santa puts the presents in a big colorful sock.
Santa is not real but one country has a real santa.
This Christmas, I got a drawing of my best friend from my mom.
Christmas day is my second favorite day.

 14-01-09 11:20
페트라아카데미 입니다.

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