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    My family (교정본 입니다.)
    페트라 작성일 : 2012-07-06    조회수 : 3,095     

My Family 

     I am very glad to have a chance to write about my family. 

     This topic seems very common and easy to write about, however, I think this is the most difficult and delicate topic.  I’ve heard that the word ‘family’ comes from the Latin word ‘familia’.  But some people say it comes from ‘Father And Mother, I Love You.’

At any rate, it is true that family is the most basic element or unit that forms society. And also, family background or home environment can affect a child’s character and behavior. So, family must be very important and precious to everyone. 

     My parents are not awfully rich. They are just hard working middle-class persons.

     My father is an architect who designs buildings. He runs his own business so he is very busy working all the time. Sometimes, I feel sorry for him because I can see that he carries the burden to be responsible for my family. I try to cheer him up when he looks tired and exhausted.  I think my father is a very creative and passionate person. The buildings he designs are unique and practical. Someday, I wish I would live in a great looking house that my father designed for my family. 

     My mother is an English home school teacher. At first, she started this work to teach me and my younger sister English. She had worked in a foreign company for 10 years before she started teaching English. She told me that she was happy to be helpful to the household economy and doing her job gave her the feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment.  But, unfortunately she is not a good cook.  She is not interested in cooking meals.   

     I am the first daughter of my parents. I am a girl who likes reading many books to develop my self-enrichment and listening to music.

     I have been studying in self-directed learning since I was in 4th grade. 

     I feel satisfied when I do my best in everything.  I wouldn’t care about the grade if I really did as hard as I could.  I want to be a writer when I grow up. I would like to write a book that is educational and helpful for the self-improvement of children.

By:  Lee, Young Seo (tiffany)

 12-07-06 19:13

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