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    My favorite animal is~~
    페트라 작성일 : 2015-02-09    조회수 : 1,061     

My favorite animals is are two kinds of animals.
The first one is a rabbit.
I love rabbits!
My favorite doll is a rabbit. My favorite pencil is rabbit.
And my favorite book is story of a rabbit, too*^^*
A rabbit is cute. Pretty and nice too!!!
My best most favorite animal is a rabbit.

My second one is a lion and a dog.
I like lions because lions is are so cute and lions is are so brave!
(I love the movie 'The lion and the witch and a magic clothes ches the wardrobe” there is a brave lion named Aslan)

Dogs on the other hand, is are so cute and dogs can help people. Dogs have loyalty towards people.

I love lions and dogs, too!

I love rabbits, lions and dogs.