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    My Family's New Year's Day :)
    페트라 작성일 : 2015-03-03    조회수 : 1,198     

New Year’s Day is a special day for my family since it is the time when we meet all my grandmothers, uncles, aunts, and cousins. As my family lives apart from other family members, we usually visit our paternal grandmother on the day before New Year’s Day (Lunar New Year). In the morning of New Year’s Day, after having rice-cake soup and other diverse types of dishes, my family members make New Year's bows to my grandmother. In return, she would tell bless us with well-wishing remarks and New Year’s gifts of money are given to children including me. In the afternoon, we would go to the house of my maternal grandmother and stay there until evening. Of course, we make New Year's bows. And all the children would bow to the elderly. It’s more than true that we consume tremendous amount of food during New Year’s Day! As I hang out with my cousins for most of the two days, I am worn out after the holiday. Nevertheless, I always look forward to that holiday for the reason that I can meet all the other family members.