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    the Traits of China ★
    페트라 작성일 : 2014-11-03    조회수 : 861     

Every Country has its own unique traits.

Today, I'm going to introduce some of the traits of China.

I bet there's nobody who doesn't know about the Great Wall.

The Great Wall is 6,437 km long which is about 4,000 miles long.

To give you an idea, this tremendous figure is the distance from Miami, Florida to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

The Great Wall was constructed from around 770 B.C. to prevent other countries' invasion.

For this reason, some of the Great Wall was once reconstructed and this revolutionary project made it impossible   for the Mongolians to invade China.

Anyone who has been to China would say the large population is also one of the China's traits.

There are more than one billion people living in China.

Did you know that this big population uses the same standard time in China?

People made imaginary lines on our globe. One kind of the two imaginary lines is a longitude.

Due to this longitude, people in different countries use different standard times.

And large countries like the United States use different standard times    in each region even though these areas are in one nation.

Interestingly, China is the only large nation which uses one standard time.

Now, I'll tell you the last trait of China.

Think of the flag of China. What can you see in its flag?

You can see one big star and four smaller stars on the red background.

The big star represents the communist party.

And the smaller stars mean different classes of society such as workers, and leaders.

Red color can be seen in many places in China, even in their traditional clothes.

In the flag, it symbolizes the communist nation.

I hope that you've got some new information about China by reading my writing.

And thanks for reading!