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    rewards for doing chores
    페트라 작성일 : 2014-10-06    조회수 : 1,175     

Some parents question whether giving children rewards for doing chores is right.

According to my experience, I am of the opinion that kids should receive a small reward.

When I was about 7 years old, my mother  made me a sheet of paper with pretty decorations.

She told me that she would attach one sticker each time I help my parents doing chores. On the day I got 30 stickers on the paper, my mother bought me a small gift. I was motivated by the reward and continued doing chores for my parents. So I firmly believe that children would soon get to feel the happiness of helping others as I did.

Parents can try the way my mother did for me, but also another example is giving young girls one sticker when they help their parents. As a matter of fact, parents should make rules such as 'The price range of the reward is from 1,000  won to 5,000 won.'

Even though I do not get rewards anymore, I still help my parents do the chores for the happiness of helping.

As children grow up, they would like the happiness they feel more than the rewards.

Soon after, they will try to find  how they can help others. In this sense, parents don't have to be concerned about receiving rewards becoming a habit to kids.

I agree that the rewards are just methods to make kids know that helping others is meaningful.