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    a book what I was impressed
    키야 작성일 : 2014-07-30    조회수 : 1,165     

Last year I read a book that the title is "A child holding a bag"

It is about a child, Suk woo who holds his classmate's bag.

One day a new student,Young taek who has handicapped came to Suk woo's class.

I think Suk woo is very naughty boy.  He makes fun of Young taek with other friends because he has handicapped.

So the homeroom teacher tells him that he has to hold Young taek's bag for a year as a panalty.

Suk woo made fun of Young taek at first but while he is holding Young taek's bag, he makes friend with Young taek.

But now other friends make fun of Suk woo as he gets along with handicapped boy.

So Suk woo offends Young taek's mind.

Young taek misses him thinking when they gets along with.

As he know that, Suk woo feels sorry.. but he doesn't express.

After a year, Suk woo's homeroom teacher gives him a prize praising about holding a bag for Young taek for a year.

But Suk woo cries out.

I think he felt sorry for Young taek.

He likes Young taek so much but doesn't get close because he is afraid of being teased.

I felt sad when I was reading this story.

And I thought Suk woo shouldn't have done but I understand his mind.

I thought that what I would do.
- 첨부파일 : 2014-07-30 08;48;41.jpg (240.9K) [0] DATE : 2014-07-30 08:50:03