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    I like chicken
    페트라 작성일 : 2013-12-12    조회수 : 2,326     

I like chicken for night food.

Because I like and it is very tasty.

So, I like chickens.

I like chicken legs.

This is my favorite part of chicken

Because it is very tasty.

I like noodles,too!Because it is so tasty.

The noodles are Chinese noodles.It is little spicy.

So, I like this Chinese nodles.

Both are not good for health.

But It is very delicious.




I like chicken for night food because it is very tasty.

I like chicken legs.

is my favorite part of the chicken because it is very tasty.

I like noodles, too, because it is so tasty.

The noodles are Chinese noodles. They’re a little spicy.

Both are not good for health.

But they are very delicious.


 13-12-12 14:36
페트라아카데미 입니다.

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