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    My family (교정본 입니다.)
    페트라 작성일 : 2012-07-06    조회수 : 3,088     

My family


          I have a mother, a father, and a little twin brother named Kevin.

My twin brother was born one minute later so I am his older brother.

My brother sometimes insists that he is the older brother if he was born in the U.S.A

He doesn’t call me older brother because I was born only one minute earlier and
he thinks that calling me older brother is unfair.


First, I will tell you about my father. His hobby is riding a bike to Bundang along the bicycle track.  He said that bicycling is the best way to relieve stress.

Recently, my father had his hair permed because he had spiky hair so he had to dry his hair thoroughly every morning. It usually takes almost 20~30 minutes to do this because of his spiky hair. Now, he can have enough time before going to work. He saves time.

But after he had a perm, our family went to a swimming pool. His hair almost turned back to original by the disinfectant in the water.  He was very disappointed about it. I hope he recovers.


Second, about me and Kevin. These days, Kevin and I always argue with our mother. Especially when I study. I think we are going through puberty.

When we disobey my mom, she sometimes cries and gets stressed out.

I really don’t want to argue with her but I just can’t control my anger. Whenever I argue with my mom, my answer is always wrong.

I will try my best not to argue and just follow her opinion.


Third is about my mom.  She is getting stressed out lately because of me and Kevin. I hope I won’t be a burden to my mom because want to see her happy and smiley face.


That is all about my family.




By: 이동규

 12-07-06 19:14

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