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    Olympic games (우수상)
    페트라 작성일 : 2012-09-07    조회수 : 3,078     

Olympic Games

                                                      Name: Park ga-young

Grade: 6th grade


Some people don't like the Olympic Games because of some reasons.


First of all, only strong Countries can get a medal easily such as China and America. They always get 2/3 of the medals. Of course many players come to get a medal, but these countries steal their chance. Some players said "Doing my best is enough", but I know they are not satisfied.  They desire winning, so they are in the Olympics.


In addition, it takes a lot of money to train for the Olympic Games. Did you know that only one judo uniforms takes 300,000 won!  Also, it takes amazing money to practice and be the champion. But, it can become a bubble with the referee’s wrong decisions.  I will talk about this now.


Lastly, (most important) we have a lot of problems with the referees.  For example, in London Olympics in 2012, some referees didn't have a clever decision towards South Korea. Park Tae-Hwan (swimming athlete) didn't do a false start but the referee made a wrong decision. So Park Tae-Hwan was effected by this that he didn't do well in the match. Jo Jun-Ho (Judo athlete) won the Judo match, but the referees suddenly changed their decision. Lastly, Shin A-Ram (Fencing athlete) won the fencing match with Britta Heideman but the referee had mistakes.  The match finished however, the time keeper had a mistake. So it didn't finish at an accurate time.  At this moment, most Koreans including me were very disappointed. I don’t know why they make unfair decisions. Maybe these referees will participate in next Olympics and do the same things, too. Good Heavens!

For these reasons, some people don’t like the Olympic Games. That’s why Olympics are developing! Maybe they will do something, such as pick new and clever referees.  So do not worry so much about the Olympic Games!

- 첨부파일 : Park Ga young.doc (46.5K) [1] DATE : 2012-09-07 11:09:17

 12-09-07 11:09
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