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    Olymic Games (장려상)
    페트라 작성일 : 2012-09-07    조회수 : 3,017     

Do you know the London Olympics? I like the London Olympics. I saw the soccer games be eacause soccer is my favorite sport.  I like to play soccer.  I watch everytime, so I couldn't sleep.  That’s why I have a bloody nose everytime. I’m not good at it.  But I was so happy because I could watch the London Olympics.  I couldn't forget the London Olympic Games. I was very happy, sad and angry.  But I had fun in the London Olympics.




- 첨부파일 : JOHN2004.doc (26.5K) [0] DATE : 2012-09-07 11:11:01

 12-09-07 10:55
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