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    I have a dream(장려상)
    페트라 작성일 : 2012-08-07    조회수 : 3,798     

I have a dream --- Nicole Park(Seoin Park), 7th grade



Do you know Dr. Martin Luther King?

He is one of the greatest person I know, and also one of the people I want to be like.

Dr. Martin is famous for his achivements achievements and his great speech, 'I have a dream'. I Have A Dream

He said mentioned in his speech, that his dream is to make the Whites and the Blacks treated equal. that his dream is to make the Whites and the Blacks equal


The words in his speech was were very touching, and his opinion was about the same as mine.


But, even after when Whites finally approved the human rights of Blacks, some people kept saying that they were forever unequal.

And nowadays, some Koreans are also disliking dislike foreigners because of their skin color.

I don't agree with their opinion, somehow. Why does do some people think that others are very different because of the way they look?

Skin color doesn't mean that they are very bad or something. And they're not born with that looks because they wanted to, too.

There's nothing wrong with them, neither their look.


Dream has two meanings; something you want to achieve, or something that you wish for.

My dream (what I want to achieve), is to be a writer.

I'm going to write many books, mostly about foreigners different races or the disabled handicap, and how wrong they are treated they are treated wrongly

I want to change the minds of the mind of those people who have a wrong fixed idea about people who have different lookings. have stereotype about skin color.

My another kind of  other dream(what I wish for) is a world that nobody is left behind or treated badly.

After all, they're born as a person we are born equally, and there's nothing more to think about it.

I believe that such a day will come someday.


 12-08-07 13:21
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